Using MIDI Input

As of version 0.0.10, Mégra has better support for MIDI input (no MIDI output so far).

Checking Available MIDI Ports

You can check available MIDI ports using the (list-midi-ports) function, which will print the MIDI ports to stdout.

Opening a MIDI Port

Use (open-midi-port <port-num>) with the port number according to the list.

Defining MIDI Callbacks

To handle incoming MIDI events, you have to define a callback function:

;; print the received values to stdout 
;; make sure to use the "midi" identifier like this,
;; variable names can be chosen freely ...
(callback "midi" (onoff key vel)
        (print onoff)
        (print key)
        (print vel)

For more complex handling, you can use the match function:

(callback "midi" (onoff key vel)
    (match onoff
        144 (once (saw 100)) ;; play a sound for note-on events ..

MIDI Helpers

There's some functions to help you using incoming MIDI data:

mtof - Midi Note to Frequency

A classic ... needs midi note and base frequency as arguments:

Example: (once (saw (mtof 43 440))) is the same as (once (saw 97.99885))

mtosym converts a MIDI note to a symbol, like a2 etc ..

mtosym converts a MIDI note to a symbol, like a2 etc ..

Example: (mtosym 43) ;; -> 'g3

This is helpful if you have a sample set of a tuned instrument, such as a piano, where the individual samples are stored in a format like: <pitch>_<dyn>.wav, i.e. a2_ff.wav. At least that's the way I store my piano samples, and with the help of this converter, I can play them with a MIDI keyboard.

;; test single note:
(once (piano (mtosym 43) (veltodyn 50)))

;; create a piano sampler (if you have the samples organized the same way as described above):

(open-midi-port 1)

(callback "midi" (onoff note vel)
  (match onoff ;; ignore note off for now ...
    144 (once (piano (mtosym note) (veltodyn vel)))))

veltodyn - MIDI Velocity to Dynamic Symbol

veltodyn converts a MIDI velocity to a dynamic notation symbol such as 'mp or fff.

Example: (veltodyn 50) ;; -> 'mp (veltodyn 127) ;; -> 'ff

For the use of this function, see example above under mtosym